Showing posts with label Weight Watching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Watching. Show all posts

5 Secrets to Portion Control

by Becky Fox

You may be exercising, watching what you eat, doing all the right things and yet for some reason the pounds just don't seem to be coming off. The culprit may not be what you are eating, but about how much you are eating. If your portions are too big, then you are taking in too many calories, which can lead to weight gain rather than the desired weight loss. So here are 5 ways to decrease those super-sized portions.

1. Know what a serving size is. Here is a quick guide to determine the true size of a serving. Keep this in mind next time you reach in the fridge or cupboard.

A Tennis Ball = A medium sized fruit
A Baseball = A cup of salad greens or cereal
A Golf Ball = A 1/2 cup of cooked pasta or potato
A Ping Pong Ball = 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
A Deck of Cards = 3 oz of meat, fish, or poultry
A Shot Glass = 2 tablespoons of salad dressing
Size of your thumb = 1 oz of cheese
Size of your thumb tip = 1 teaspoon of oil

2. Read nutrition labels. Not sure how many of those goldfish crackers really equal one serving? Read the nutrition label to find out. Compare it to how much you've been eating and you may be surprised to find out how small a serving really is.

3. Only eat half. When you go out to a restaurant only eat half of your meal. Most restaurants bring out supersized portions enough for 2 or even 3 meals. To avoid overeating, have the waiter bring half of your dinner in a to go box before you even get started or you could even split the meal with another person.

4. Avoid all-you-can eat. Avoid buffets or all-you-can eat situations like the plague. As much you think you will have total self control and that you will only eat until you are no longer hungry, it is near impossible. We all know this is not the case and that you will be leaving bloated with your pants unbuttoned. Rather choice restaurants where you can order your meal and have a plan in place for social events.

5. Don't let yourself get hungry. One reason we may tend to eat a lot in one sitting is because we are so hungry. If you are going long periods without eating you are bound to binge. Instead, make sure you are eating something every 3-4 hours, even if it is a small snack. This way when your next meal comes around you won't be tempted to eat more than you need.
Becky Fox is the owner of Fox Fitness, an in-home personal training and boot camp company in Knoxville, TN. Fox Fitness also offers online training to those around the globe. You can learn more about her at

Your Healthy Guide to the Restaurant Menu - How to Choose Good Food Without Sabotaging Your Diet

by Faviano Torres 

For dieters and the weight-conscious, cutting calories is most important. However, what often concerns them is how to make healthier choices when it comes to eating in fast food restaurants. More often than not, the hardest part is choosing from a menu and not sabotaging a diet.

All you need is a little curiosity and a wise decision-making. There are so many mouth-watering dishes on the menu and it is important to make careful selections. Pay attention to the descriptions and labels of different dishes in the list, and if necessary, ask for fat or calorie information.

Always keep an eye on saturated fat, cholesterol, or sodium, which means avoid dishes that are deep-fried, basted, pan-fried, batter-dipped, creamy, crispy, breaded, scalloped, au gratin, Alfredo, or in cream sauce. Watch out for too much salt and sugar. If you want to be certain about it, you can always make a special request to have your meal done the healthy way you want it.

Consider healthy substitutions. Skinless chicken that is broiled, steamed, or roasted instead of fried is a good choice. A vegetable for your appetizer and a fruit for your dessert would be great. Say a no-no to sodas; drink water, unsweetened tea, or hot tea with your meal instead.

Choose a smaller portion size if possible and never supersize anything. If the restaurant does not offer half-size orders, you can always share it with others at your table or take a box home. On the other hand, many restaurants allow you to order smaller portions of your heart-healthy meals at lower prices.

Therefore, you do not have to worry sabotaging your diet in a restaurant. You can definitely plan and check the menu for what fits into your meal plan.
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4 Savvy Grocery Shopping Tips

It seems like grocery shopping trips are getting longer and more costly. We no longer zoom through the store grabbing everything we need because we are bombarded with a wide array of choices in every aisle. For instance, the bread aisle is no longer just a bread aisle. Now days it's a place filled with whole grains, whole wheat, white, and multigrain. We could easily stand there for twenty minutes trying to figure out the healthiest choice for our family. In this article I will reveal several tips to help make your grocery trip easier and quicker.

  1. Buy whole grains. When in the bread aisle don't hesitate to reach for whole grains. It is wise to consume 3 servings of whole grains daily. You should also purchase whole grain pasta, whole grain cereal and any whole grain snacks.

  2. Buy lean poultry and fish. Try buying lean poultry (skinless) and plenty of fish. You should have fish at least twice a week.

  3. Buy fresh produce that is in season. Buying fresh produce that is in season assures you of freshness and great price. Also you never have to worry about getting bored of the same fruit and veggies all year long.

  4. Buy low fat dairy. Low fat dairy is the key to healthy calcium. We all need all of the calcium we can get but we surely don't need the calories which are a part of whole milk and other whole dairy products. That is why low-fat is the best choice. Smart Appetite recommends low-fat organic milk.
These are just a few grocery tips to make your shopping trip a little easier. Eating a healthy diet such as this one is also beneficial for those of us who want to lose weight. The best diet pills and whey protein shakes can also help us attain quick weight loss. So don't be afraid to take the first step towards a leaner body.
Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks.

Breakfast Blunders

by Rachel Lukasavige

Eating breakfast every day is extremely important because it sets the foundation for good nutrition throughout your day. Food is like fuel for your body and you need it to jump start your metabolism. And, studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to be leaner than those who do not. But there is one exception.

A new study shows that as breakfast calories increase, so do calories and fat for the entire day. In addition, average intake of nutrients (including calcium and certain vitamins) falls when calories are increased. One of the reasons for this may be because people give themselves more of a break if they feel they have already eaten something less healthy.

This data comes from more than 12,000 U.S. adults who participated in government health studies from 1999 to 2004. Most of the participants indicated eating breakfast, but 17% of them reported having a pastry, meal replacement drink or bar, or some other item that didn't fit into one of the five food groups.

When it comes to breakfast, it is best to combine good-quality carbs (such as whole grain cereal or oatmeal) with foods that offer protein and a little fat (eggs, yogurt, nut butter, or cottage cheese).

Challenge yourself to include foods from three food groups for your first meal of the day. Ideas include:

• An egg, a whole grain tortilla, and an apple
• Cottage cheese, muffin, and an orange
• Dried fruit, yogurt, and whole grain crackers
• Whole grain English muffin, peanut butter, and a banana
• Come up with your own!

Rachel Lukasavige is a Health Coach at Lukas Coaching. You can view more free articles, download free books, and become a member of the Reader's Group at no cost by visiting
Health Coaching

Savory Soups and Stews

by Kaleena Lawless

 In the fall and winter time, we crave hearty meals that keep our bodies warm and full. Soups and stews offer a dish that is both healthy and filling. Soups are hydrating and great for weight loss. Stews have the potential to deliver an awesome serving of lean proteins for workout recovery and building muscle.


Soups can be made from scratch using a broth, fresh vegetables, meat, pasta and spice. You can purchase a soup blend mix containing grains and vegetables to add to your favourite broth.

Made from scratch soups usually don't take long to prepare but they can take a long time to cook for the ingredients to become tender and the spices to come out.

If you are in a hurry there is a wide variety of canned and boxed soups. When you go canned, try to pick up the low sodium option. My favourite ready to eat soups are the brands in mason jars sold in most grocery stores. They are a little more expensive but they are packed with grains and vegetables. The thicker pureed soups are delicious paired with a piece of whole grain bread for dipping.

Avoid creamed soups that are high in fat and try to make canned soup with water or low fat milk instead of full fat milk or cream.


Stews are similar to soup except they are thick and made with larger pieces of food. Typically stews are made with beans, chunks of beef, other meats or vegetarian meat-like alternatives and vegetables such as peppers, corn, carrots and potatoes.

Stews are perfect for when you have a bunch of left overs. Just throw all ingredients in to a pot with a bit of water, stock or crushed tomatoes (some recipes call for wine or beer but this is a health blog!) and simmer on low heat until the flavours and spices have blended.

Stews are great for people trying to cut back on carbohydrates and fat because it's such a filling meal that you won't notice the only carbs are coming from vegetables.

Eating healthy doesn't mean being hungry. With literally thousands of soup and stew recipes out there your palate will never get bored and your body will be more fit than ever before!

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

5 Tips For a Healthier Thanksgiving

by Randi Cestaro

In just a few short weeks we'll gather together to give thanks for the unlimited good that surrounds us. You know what I mean: nature, prosperity, love, faith and an incredible planet that provides so much to us. Wouldn't it be a shame to upset the balance of it all by overeating on the big day?

When it comes to gobbling up the goodies on turkey day, I encourage you to follow these suggestions for feasting:

Exercise at some point on the day of Thanksgiving
It's very important that you exercise on Thanksgiving day. You may want to engage your family in going for a walk with you to enjoy the fresh air, the foliage, and time away from the kitchen so you can all just relax together.
And there's another payoff: by exercising on this big day, you will eat less that night. And you will be more conscious of what you're putting in your mouth.

Eat a protein-rich breakfast the day of Thanksgiving
Don't fall into the trap of "Well, I am going to have a big dinner tonight so I will save my appetite for dinner". That's not correct and it won't work. But, by having a protein- rich breakfast, you'll stabilize your blood sugar levels, and that means fewer sugar cravings.

Drink at least 10 glasses of water during the day
By drinking at least 10 glasses of water today (starting as soon as you wake up), you will thoroughly and totally hydrate your body. That's a good thing. Do it. This is another way to reduce sugar cravings because those in the know realize that often times, when your body appears to crave sugar, it's because you are dehydrated. Who knew? But now you do, so drink up!

Portion control your plate
This is so crucial to not overstuffing your belly. Think of it as a secret mission to better health. When your hostess begins passing tempting trays of appetizers, grab a small plate. Don't see one? Ask for one and use it. Placing appetizers on a plate assures that you take only the ones you really want and avoid adding unnecessary calories by trying everything in sight. And make sure the majority of items on that plate is lots of fresh vegetables. Yum!

Make a turkey and vegetable soup with the leftovers
So how did you do? At the end of the day you most likely have leftovers. Now what? By using the leftover turkey and vegetables, you can make a wonderful soup to nourish you. Soup gives your digestive system a break the next day. Just use a nice broth and add the turkey and veggies. Make some natural corn muffins and you've got a treat for everyone in your home.

Incorporating these healthy tips for Thanksgiving will free you of all the guilt that we normally put on ourselves when we eat too much. Make this the year that you truly enjoy the holiday season and remain healthy and happy.

All the best to you and yours this Thanksgiving day. I am grateful for your interest in this article and would love to hear how well you did in managing your Thanksgiving meal.

Randi studied holistic nutrition, changed her diet and healed herself of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Hypoglycemia and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). She is sharing this information and her ebook (I Healed Myself from IBS and You Can Too!) on her website at .

Christmas Feast

Worried about packing pounds during the belly-busting Christmas season? Sue Smith offers tips on how you can stay fit and enjoy your food at the same time.

Boys and girls of all ages, Christmas is on its way again. You know it is the holiday season when everyone is flabbergasted that the Christmas decorations are being sold before Halloween has come. You have done all the work to lose weight and finally feel good about your body. If you made it through the gauntlet of Halloween and Thanksgiving without packing the pounds back on here are a few tips to keep you fit for Christmas.

1. Throw a party- if you throw the party you have more control over the food ingredients and preparation and you are more likely to stay on your feet than to sit on the couch and eat.

2. Portion control- it is more than okay to have a taste of our favorite Christmas classics just keep the portions small and pile on vegetables to take up more room on your plate and in your belly.

3. Optional sauces- instead of slathering everything with sauces or butter leave the dressings on the side so that party goers can choose.

4. Turkey or chicken- make several meats available so there are choices and make sure to remove skin from turkey or chicken as that is where the most fat is.

5. Mix spritzers- by making mixed drinks you ingest less alcohol and with carbination you will drink more slowly. Champagne is also a good choice.

6. Avoid desert liquors- any desert liquor with cream is laden with calories and fat.

7. Don't grocery shop too far in advance- if the food is hanging around the house in preparation for the party you will be more tempted to snack before the actual event.

8. Chew gum while you cook- of course tasting is necessary to ensure palate pleasing flavor but chewing gum while you are cooking keeps you from nibbling on your delicacy.

9. Suggest a walk- the day after your event or even after all the food has been eaten suggest a walk to a family member or friend. It will be a good way to get fresh air and burn a few of those extra calories (or escape a nosy relative).

10. Stay away from trigger foods- if you know that pumpkin pie is your weakness don't make it! Do not tempt yourself; there are many alternative deserts that the whole family can enjoy.

Susan Smith writes health articles about fitness and nutrition. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks and natural sleep aids.

Healthy Recipe Substitutes

by Susan Patterson

The days are getting shorter, the nights longer and the weather cooler. With all of these changes comes the strong internal desire for comfort foods. These foods often are high in fat and carbohydrates, and could be disastrous for anyone who is trying to lose weight.

Image by Anna Sulencka from Pixabay 
Fall favorites often include macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, meatloaf and cake to name a few. A few simple recipe substitutions are the best way to lose weight and still eat what you are craving.

The following weight loss tips will help get you through the winter months.

1. Substitute whole wheat pasta when making macaroni and cheese. Whole wheat pasta contains a variety of wheat and grains that are high in fiber and very filling. While they may take longer to cook than regular pasta, the health benefits are worth it. Also, cut back on the amount of butter used in the recipe. Cutting back on the butter is one shortcut that will not be missed. Finally, substituting skim milk for cream or butter will cut on calories and fat.

2. Next time you plan on whipping up a fluffy creamy batch of mashed potatoes, try mixing in some roasted cauliflower. This is a tasty trick that will satisfy everyone's palate. Skip the butter and whole milk and instead whip in some low sodium chicken broth and skim milk. Add a little salt and pepper. No one will be the wiser.

3. Instead of pure ground beef, make a combination of pork and lean ground beef together to cut on the fat. Add plenty of seasoning be sure to drain the excess grease before serving.

4. If the sudden urge to bake tickles your fancy, substitute organic apple sauce for oil in recipes to reduce the fat content and add an extra bit of moistness and flavor to recipes.
Susan Patterson has been studying alternative medicine and health for over 10 years. She loves to write to help others, especially in the area of quick weight loss which can be accomplished safely. She has found several herbal remedies to be effective in her journey to better health without the side effects that medications cause. She is particularly passionate about hoodia for weight loss.

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