by Gabriel J AdamsAs everyone knows, fruits and vegetables are great sources of important nutrients. Of course, most fruits are super-tasty, in addition to being healthy. Here are 5 fruits that are nutrient-packed health foods - add these to your diet and you'll be well on your way to a healthy diet.
If possible, eat your fruits and veggies fresh. Cooked fruits and vegetables lose most of their nutrition value. Salads are one great way that you can eat fruits on a daily basis.
BlueberriesForget the magic pills promoted by salesmen; nature has it's own anti-aging food - blueberries. Blueberries are rich sources of antioxidants that neutralize the unstable and harmful free radicals in our bodies. Blueberries are known to improve the short term memory and improve night vision. Plus, they contain resveratrol, potentially an anti-cancer agent,, in addition vitamin to C and E.
There are many great ways to eat blueberries. Of course, if you eat them fresh you will get more nutrients than if you eat them cooked. You can use them to make a fresh fruit salad, or eat them fresh with other foods. A handful of blueberries can taste awful good, too.
Black CurrantsGreat for cardiovascular health, weight loss, and the health of your vision, black currants are also easy to make a part of your regular diet. The antioxidant polyphenol in black currants protects the body from disease; for this reason, black currants have been used as a natural remedy for centuries. Pound for pound black currants have more vitamin C than oranges, making them one of the best sources of vitamin C.
Goji BerriesConsidered one of the world's most powerful anti aging foods, goji berries boast antioxidants and polysaccharides that reduce the speed of aging and help the body recover. Goji can also boost the immune system, boost energy levels, and improve overall body function and health.
Goji juice is probably the easiest and tastiest way to eat goji berries. Goji is very hard to find fresh - pretty much impossible for most people. Dried berries aren't as tasty as the juice.
CranberriesCranberries are an amazing source of nutrients: Rich in vitamin C, they are also great antioxidants, and great sources of phytochemicals. They also contain Hippuric acid (a antibacterial), potassium , Vitamin A, and many trace nutrients. Cranberries have been used for years to combat urinary tract infections.
You'll want to eat your cranberries fresh to get the most nutrients. They can be rather sour plain, but you can easily make a healthy salad with plain yogurt, nuts and honey.
KiwiKiwi fruits have a variety of great nutrients - The fruit contains Serotonin which has a calming affect on the nerves, reducing stress. Plus, the large number of electrolytes in the fruit make it a great option for those who regularly find themselves short on energy. In fact, it is regularly used by athletes because of its minerals and electrolytes. The presence of Inositol in the kiwi makes it great for diabetes patients, as it helps regulate the body hormones and neurotransmitters.
Learn how goji juice can help your health. Visit our Australian goji site and jugo goji site