Showing posts with label Energy Boosters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy Boosters. Show all posts

Several Healthy Meal Ideas When You Don't Feel Like Cooking

by Lauren Johnson

Although healthy nutrition usually requires quite a lot of preparation in the kitchen, there are several quick and simple meal ideas available for those of us who are trying to lose weight. Given that we don't have the time to cook a delightful dinner each and every day, in this article I will provide several ideas which will help you create a low fat meal in a snap.
  • A great meal substitute when you simply don't have time is a smoothie made with fat-free milk, frozen fruit, and wheat germ.
  • A quick and nutritious meal can be simple. Try a peanut butter sandwich made with whole wheat bread. Along with that have an apple and a glass of 1% milk.
  • Scramble some eggs. Consume them with whole wheat toast and your choice of a green vegetable.
  • A bag of frozen veggies topped with 2 tablespoons of Parmesan and some chopped nuts.
  • Salad is always a quick and delicious meal. All you need is a pre-bagged salad and canned tuna, tomatoes, and your favorite low fat dressing. You can even use pre cooked chicken strips (as long as they are not fried!).
  • Make a quick and delicious sandwich. Be sure that you always have whole wheat bread, sliced turkey meat, reduced fat cheese, mustard, and other low fat condiments.
  • Remember that cereal with low fat milk and fruit is a great meal no matter what time of the day it may be!

These are just a few healthy meal ideas for those of us who don't always have time to cook. If you are serious about attaining weight loss you can also try all natural appetite suppressing hoodia, various herbal remedies and delicious whey nutrimelt protein shakes.
Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition.
Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills.

The Post Workout Meal

by Eric B. Leader

I am sure you have heard your trainer preach how proper nutrition supplements intense training. The truth is, the old saying "you are what you eat," really is true. After a good workout in the gym, your body is exhausted and craving nutrients. If you do not supply your body with proper nutrition, you will be hindering your recovery time and thus your progress. So what should you eat in this "post workout meal?"

The bottom line is that while training, you are actually tearing muscle fibers and depleting your muscle's protein. The soreness accompanied by a bout of exercise is directly associated with the breaking down of the muscles. In addition, while exercising, you are depleting your body's storage form of carbohydrate called glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the muscles as well as the liver. This glycogen supply is very important in supplying energy, especially during long bouts of exercise.

At the conclusion of a workout, your body is taxed and craving nutrients. Following a workout, hormone levels are raised and the body is able to assimilate more calories and nutrients. As a result, it is very important to give your body the proper nutrtion so that your body will recover faster and grow stronger. Proper post workout nutrition consists of protein and carbohydrates. Protein will help to build, maintain, and repair the muscle tissue damaged during the bout of exercise. Carbohydrate, in the form of complex carbohydrate, will replenish the glycogen depleted during the workout. Sources of complex carbs include: pastas, breads, cereals, potatoes, etc. Good sources of protein include: tuna fish, turkey, chicken, egg whites, dairy, etc. Try supplementing your training with a good post workout meal, ideally within 30 minutes after your workout, and watch your progress and your energy level accelerate. Best of Luck!

Eric B. Leader
Owner, Every Bodys' Personal Trainer

3 Reasons to Go Veggie When Travelling by Plane

by Janet Gomez

With the holiday season coming up many of us are planning to go and visit family and friends. Often our travel plans involve flying, which can be tiring at the best of times. Whenever I fly I order a vegetarian option for the meal since I'm vegetarian. However, I'm going to share with you three good reasons to "go veggie" when you're travelling by plane even if you're not normally vegetarian!

1. We are served first (or before our fellow passengers). In any case this is my experience. It's the same principle of service that you have in a restaurant. It's rare that a large party of people is served before a table of two or three. The same logic seems to work when you're on a plane. You also have more time to enjoy your meals before the plates are cleared away. This means you can take time to chew and savour what you receive. This can be a great bonus if you're travelling with children. The only downside is that it's a bit unfortunate for your fellow meat-eating travellers who have to wait for their row to be served, while you're tucking in.

2. We get the lighter option - meaning that it's lighter on our digestive system. This is definitely the main reason to "go veggie" when flying.

Flying is dehydrating to the whole body. When the body is dehydrated you feel tired and your concentration decreases. Various functions, especially the digestive one, don't work as well as they could. Anything you can do to ease the work your digestive system needs to do when travelling will benefit you tremendously when you arrive at your destination. Other tips to improve digestion while flying include drinking plenty of water before, during and after the flight (warm water is best), and avoiding tea, coffee and alcohol while flying. With improved hydration and the lighter option of the vegetarian meal, you and your family will have much less jet lag when you arrive at your destination and will be able to start enjoying your holiday much more quickly.

3. We have "healthier" options - I always get some sort of salad and fruit when I fly. For some reason, airlines presume that if you "go veggie" you want the healthy option. I rarely am served cake when I take the vegetarian option. By taking in less refined food than the average traveller, our digestive system also functions better - another bonus :) A word of warning for good digestion when flying - keep the fruit to eat a couple of hours after you've had your meal. Fruit digests more quickly than other foods and so should be eaten separately.

Final point - you may find that some airlines seem to be unaware that there are different categories of vegetarians, and that some of us do eat dairy products. Sometimes you may receive margarine to put on your bread roll or crackers, which is a shame after the rest of the meal was so healthy! My opinion is that margarine is not a natural product and does not break down in the body so I just ask for butter, and if they have it, the airline gives it to me. And if not, I am fine about going without. It's a small price to pay for all the other perks of "going veggie" when flying!

(c) 2008 Janet Gomez

Janet Gomez, nutritional consultant, produces the "Nutri-Jyoti News", a free bi-monthly e-newsletter for busy professionals. If you feel ready to learn how to use nutritional strategies to manage your energy levels, sign up for her FREE e-course " 5 Nutritional Keys to Vitality in your Life " at

5 Foods That Deliver Instant Energy

by Angel Evans

Exhausted, tired, weak, lack of energy and worn-out are just few of the ways we express fatigue. All of us look for a quick pick me up? Your body is screaming for energy and who hasn't turned to coffee, potato chips, or something sweet for a quick energy boost only to be looking for another one in an hour. Try one of these six nutrient rich energy boosting foods instead for a lasting jolt of energy.


Almonds are an excellent source of energy and nutritionally dense. A handful of Almonds, is an excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium, and a good source of fiber and phosphorous. Almonds also have the heart healthy "good fat"- monounsaturated fat. In addition Almonds are a good source of protein, potassium, calcium and iron.

Almonds are a convenient filling snack. Almonds are a good source of fiber and monounsaturated fat all which help keep you satisfied and your metabolism revved up. In addition you can carry an ounce of Almonds in your pocket or purse. Scientific evidence suggests, but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Sweet potatoes

A powerhouse of nutrition, the sweet potato is a perfect example of good food that's good for you. Sweet potatoes are bursting with beta carotene (vitamin A) are high in vitamin C which help fight fatigue and stress. Sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber are fat-free and cholesterol-free.

An All Star Vegetable, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) ranked the sweet potato number one in nutrition of all vegetables. A great way to prepare sweet potatoes for a quick snack later; julienne like French fries, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and roast in the oven until soft.


Bananas deliver instant energy, ask any athlete, have very little saturated fat, about 2 grams of protein and around 50 grams of carbohydrates each. Bananas get a bad rap for being high in sugar but because of the fiber, they actually have a medium glycemic index rating (51) if they are too ripe.

A Raw banana is relatively low in calories; 100 calories in a medium banana, and 125 calories in a large banana. They also taste great and are easy to take anywhere.


A bowl of oat meal with a little honey in the morning will give you that burst of energy you need to get going and help you sustain that energy until lunch time. Oat meal is a great source of fiber, helps to slow the rate of digestion, which may help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, as well as curb appetite.

Oats can help to lower LDL ("the bad"cholesterol) blood cholesterol levels. Oats also contain protein and natural antioxidants which contribute to heart health.


Yogurt is a great energy boosting food and a well known source of calcium, which supports healthy bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. But did you know that calcium also plays a role in muscle metabolism?

If you're feeling zapped of energy during your workout, consider looking at your intake of calcium to see if you are meeting the recommended levels. If not, try adding some yogurt to your breakfast, lunch, or snack. Rich in vitamin B-12, this super food also helps athletes prevent fatigue.

We have limited amounts of energy and reserves, and when these are taxed, either physically or mentally, or more commonly both, we experience fatigue. And when we're fatigued we need to recharge our batteries in one way or another. We deal with the fatigue of our active days and physical activity by resting and by getting a good night sleep.

Body Fitness - Achieve total body fitness with advice from Angel Evans a professional fitness and certified strength training coach. Get tips and exercise routines for shaping a firm body, strength training and building lean muscle mass. Download his free ebook "Fight The Fat Without Starving" just for visiting

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