Nowadays microwave ovens are used by almost everybody almost every day. Microwaves are very bad for our food and health and should never be used, however quick and easy they appear. There are many reasons why a microwave oven should never be used, we are going to have a quick look at just a few of the main ones.
The microwaves produced by microwave ovens damage the cell wall of foods to such a degree that the gut receptors are not likely to recognize microwaved food particles as food, resulting in an immune response. Microwave technology is actually used in the field of gene altering technology to weaken cell membranes!
Microwaves cause significant loss of nutrients in food. One study found that broccoli cooked in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97% of the beneficial antioxidant chemicals it contains. As a comparison, steamed broccoli lost 11% or fewer of its antioxidants. The nutritional value of protein in meat is also destroyed when microwaved.
Pretty much every microwave oven leaks electromagnetic radiation. So the kitchen becomes a place to avoid as these electromagnetic fields are detectable up to 6 feet away. Some doctors believe it is likely that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come from exposure to electromagnetic fields.
If you feel it is compulsory for you to use a microwave oven then a low power setting is going to produce less damage than the high setting. But be warned, studies have shown heating breast milk even at low settings can destroy some of its important disease fighting capabilities. It has been found that using the microwave to heat breast milk causes the milk to lose lysozyme activity and antibodies as well as fostering the growth of more potentially pathogenic bacteria. Milk heated a at high setting lost 96% of its immunoglobulin-A antibodies (agents defending off microbes). As for heating breast milk using low setting, adverse changes at such low temperatures suggest microwaving itself may in fact cause some injury to the milk above and beyond heating.
Some hospitals have banned the use of microwave ovens for the purpose of heating baby foods or formulas of anykind. If they know that microwaves are damaging for food and should not be used then its kind of crazy that they still use it to prepare adults food!
Chemical components of adhesive, polymers, paper and paperboard products used in microwave packaging migrate into food. Microwaving some packaging may cause it to disintegrate, allowing carcinogens and other uncharacterized chemicals contained in the packaging to enter food.
James White
James is a level 1 coach at Dax Moy Personal Training Studios, Islington, where he works with clients to achieve rapid fitness and fat loss results.
To find out more or to contact James with questions related to this article.