Breakfast Blunders

by Rachel Lukasavige

Eating breakfast every day is extremely important because it sets the foundation for good nutrition throughout your day. Food is like fuel for your body and you need it to jump start your metabolism. And, studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to be leaner than those who do not. But there is one exception.

A new study shows that as breakfast calories increase, so do calories and fat for the entire day. In addition, average intake of nutrients (including calcium and certain vitamins) falls when calories are increased. One of the reasons for this may be because people give themselves more of a break if they feel they have already eaten something less healthy.

This data comes from more than 12,000 U.S. adults who participated in government health studies from 1999 to 2004. Most of the participants indicated eating breakfast, but 17% of them reported having a pastry, meal replacement drink or bar, or some other item that didn't fit into one of the five food groups.

When it comes to breakfast, it is best to combine good-quality carbs (such as whole grain cereal or oatmeal) with foods that offer protein and a little fat (eggs, yogurt, nut butter, or cottage cheese).

Challenge yourself to include foods from three food groups for your first meal of the day. Ideas include:

• An egg, a whole grain tortilla, and an apple
• Cottage cheese, muffin, and an orange
• Dried fruit, yogurt, and whole grain crackers
• Whole grain English muffin, peanut butter, and a banana
• Come up with your own!

Rachel Lukasavige is a Health Coach at Lukas Coaching. You can view more free articles, download free books, and become a member of the Reader's Group at no cost by visiting
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