by Jeff Clear
When you consider the six primary health benefits you receive each time you eat a mouthful of grassfed beef, you won't want to ever go back to eating feedlot, grainfed beef ever again.
Benefit #1. Appetite Restored
It's easy to lose one's appetite, especially during times of stress. However, that's the time when we need to be nourished the most. And nothing compares to the aroma of a grassfed beef steak cooking on the grill flavored with a little garlic, oregano and basil! It's enough to break through the stressed-out mindset and allow one to enter into the mind's pleasure zone once again!
Benefit #2. More Nutrients with Less Food
A few decades ago, no one knew that organic foods contained more nutrients than store-bought fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides. Our taste buds knew it, though. Eating 'wild' foods, foods raised that are close to their original Garden of Eden state, have more benefits than what we realize.
Similarly, we are now finding that grassfed beef is higher in nutrients than grainfed beef. Specifically, grassfed beef is higher in healthy fats such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3 fat. The higher amounts of vitamin E help prevent the body from harmful free radicals that contribute to aging.
But there's more to the picture than just these healthy fats and vitamin E. Undoubtedly, phytonutrients will be discovered in grassfed beef that do not exist in grain-fed beef. So you can rest assured that your taste buds are telling you the truth - that grassfed beef is something to be excited about.
Benefit #3. Shuts Off Hunger
Perhaps the best news of all is that when we eat foods packed with nutrients, those nutrients end up activating the satiety center in our brain that shuts off any desire to gulf down large amounts of food that we don't need. It's one of the best internal checkpoints against overeating a parent could ever use to win the battle of childhood obesity.
Benefit #4. Less Risk of Degenerative Diseases
Every parent wants their children around them for many years to come, and they want them to be the picture of health during all those years. Life has enough obstacles to solve without overcoming health issues.
The addition of grassfed beef to the diet provides a great source of iron and vitamin B12, which builds blood and prevents fatigue so you can keep up with the kids. Its omega 3 fat content that helps strengthen cells so they aren't susceptible to attack from microbes while preventing biochemical pathways to run rampant causing inflammation. This prevents infections and allergies. The omega 3 fat content also is crucial for children's developing brains and an adult's maintenance of full memory power. The CLA found in grassfed beef is helpful in reducing the risk of cancer, as is the high vitamin E content.
When you consider these types of benefits that only occur from regular consumption of the food, grassfed beef is almost like an insurance policy against several different diseases and a way for you to maintain energy levels and vigor of youth.
Benefit #5. Satisfaction from Eating
Eating a large bag of potato chips won't allow you to feel the deep sense of satisfaction that you receive from food grown on a farm, especially grassfed beef. Filling up on pure wholesome foods does wonders for the mind, soul and belly all at the same time.
Benefit #6. Excellent Source of Protein
Eating a good protein source shuts off the hunger mechanism in the body and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Eating candy bars, cakes and other processed foods on the other hand, ends up shifting the body's biochemical pathways to store fat and raises havoc with blood sugar levels. Too much of these types of foods for too long can contribute to diabetes. But not with grassfed beef.
Benefit #7. Feeling Like You're the King of Your Home
Grassfed beef is the best type of beef on the market. Sitting down to a nice grassfed steak sends the message to your subconscious that you're worth it! There's no low self-esteem associated with eating a meal fit for a king!
To your health,
Jeff Clear
Lasater Grasslands Beef
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