Post-Workout Smoothie Recipe to Cleanse and Detox

You know that feeling right after you finish a workout, like you can take on the world? Sure your muscles might be taxed, but the gratification you feel for pushing yourself, for having a great yoga session, for beating your bestie at tennis — whatever it is — can't be bottled. But you can fill up a glass with goodness to make sure you don't let your workout go to waste. Fuel up with this fantastic hydrating post-workout smoothie packed with protein, fiber, antioxidants and a whole bunch of goodness that will help you give yourself a post-workout hug. Ready to blend? 

  1. Blend all ingredients together
  2. Pour into a Greenware disposable cup (made from 100% plants) for easy on-the-go transport. 

Recipe for Gluten Free Mocha Brownies

This recipe from Abe's Market is for people who have the Celiac disease and those who simply wish to go gluten-free. You can find more green and eco-friendly cooking and baking products at

Brownie Ingredients

  • 15 Medjool dates, pitted, soaked and drained
  • ¼ cup water
  • 9 T raw cocoa
  • ¼ cup agave syrup
  • ¼ cup coconut oil, soft, not liquid
  • 1 can garbanzo beans, drained
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 2 T espresso, ground fine


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Blend dates (in a blender) and ¼ cup water on high until it becomes a paste
3. Add eggs, cocoa, agave, coconut oil, baking powder and espresso; blend until smooth
4. Add garbanzo beans; mix on high until entire mixture is well incorporated, thick and smooth
5. Evenly distribute mixture into mini muffin tins (fills 30-32)
6. Bake for 10-12 minutes (until it passes the toothpick test); remove and cool on a wire rack

Several Healthy Meal Ideas When You Don't Feel Like Cooking

by Lauren Johnson

Although healthy nutrition usually requires quite a lot of preparation in the kitchen, there are several quick and simple meal ideas available for those of us who are trying to lose weight. Given that we don't have the time to cook a delightful dinner each and every day, in this article I will provide several ideas which will help you create a low fat meal in a snap.
  • A great meal substitute when you simply don't have time is a smoothie made with fat-free milk, frozen fruit, and wheat germ.
  • A quick and nutritious meal can be simple. Try a peanut butter sandwich made with whole wheat bread. Along with that have an apple and a glass of 1% milk.
  • Scramble some eggs. Consume them with whole wheat toast and your choice of a green vegetable.
  • A bag of frozen veggies topped with 2 tablespoons of Parmesan and some chopped nuts.
  • Salad is always a quick and delicious meal. All you need is a pre-bagged salad and canned tuna, tomatoes, and your favorite low fat dressing. You can even use pre cooked chicken strips (as long as they are not fried!).
  • Make a quick and delicious sandwich. Be sure that you always have whole wheat bread, sliced turkey meat, reduced fat cheese, mustard, and other low fat condiments.
  • Remember that cereal with low fat milk and fruit is a great meal no matter what time of the day it may be!

These are just a few healthy meal ideas for those of us who don't always have time to cook. If you are serious about attaining weight loss you can also try all natural appetite suppressing hoodia, various herbal remedies and delicious whey nutrimelt protein shakes.
Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition.
Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills.

Organic Diet During Pregnancy - How Important is It?

by Patty Evans

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is always important, but following an organic diet during pregnancy is essential. Many pregnant women are not sure which foods they should be eating to ensure their baby is getting the proper nutrition and doctors don't always provide enough nutritional guidance.

When you are pregnant, you need to eat a variety of foods from all food groups in order to get the required nutrients and vitamins to your baby. Avoid eating all fast food and processed foods. This also means avoiding the foods which contain pesticides, preservatives, additives, hormones and other toxins - in other words, you should eat an organic diet during pregnancy.

Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without pesticides or fertilizers, and the crops are minimally processed with no artificial ingredients, preservatives or irradiation. Most people think of organic foods as being fruits and vegetables, but you should also be eating organic meats. Organic meats and dairy products come from animals that are only fed organic grains and they are not given antibiotics, hormones or any other medications. During pregnancy, it is vital that you eat an organic diet of both meats and fruits and vegetables.

It has been found that people who eat non-organic fruits and vegetables consume over a gallon of toxins from pesticides each year. In a study in which samples from the FDA's records were analyzed, there were major discrepancies in their contamination figures. It showed that nearly half of the contaminates were illegal pesticides which had been outlawed because of their toxic properties. So our foods contain not only legal toxins, but also many illegal, banned toxins as well.

Following an organic foods diet during pregnancy is critical, but because of the higher cost and limited availability of organic foods, some non-organic foods can be eaten if necessary. Below is a list of the fruits and vegetables which are lower in pesticide levels and can be purchased non organic if necessary:

Avocado, Bananas, Blueberries, Grapefruit, Kiwi Fruit, Mangoes, Papaya, Pineapples, Plantains, Plums and Watermelon.

Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Okra, Onions and Radishes.

Although eating an organic diet is preferable during pregnancy, these non organic foods are okay to eat without too many added toxins. On the other hand, some organic foods contain more toxins than others. The below list contains the fruits and vegetable that have been shown to have the highest levels of pesticide residue, so they should always be purchased organic. When you are eating an organic diet during pregnancy, it is important to never consume these if they are not organic.

Apples, Cherries, Imported Grapes, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Red Raspberries and Strawberries.

Bell Peppers, Celery, Hot Peppers, Potatoes and Spinach.

You should purchase meats, poultry, and dairy that don't have antibiotics and growth hormones added. When you consume meats and dairy products that have these added, it is just like taking the hormones and antibiotics themselves and is very dangerous to your baby.

Following an organic food diet during pregnancy is better for you and better for your baby. It should be incorporated into your healthy lifestyle forever.

I highly recommend an organic cookbook which is way more than a cookbook - it contains everything you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, learn which cookware is safe, improve your immune system, and is filled with delicious organic recipes.

If you want to get healthier and look younger, then you should take a look at this book at

For additional information visit Organic Pregnancy Diet

I hope this information on an organic pregnancy diet has been helpful to you.
Author - Patty Evans

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10 Health Benefits of Mulberries

by Laura Fenamore

I'm a huge fan of dried berries of all kinds, but I'd never had a mulberry until recently. I saw a bag in my local Whole Foods and decided to try them. They are soooo good, it's hard to stop eating the--and I am not even addicted to food anymore! I do love them and think you should consider this healthy snack the next time you are looking for a sweet, healthy snack.

The taste delicious and they're full of nutrition. They are considered an important food remedy in Chinese medicine. Here are ten health benefits. It should be noted that many of these benefits have not been scientifically verified but are traditional folk remedies that have developed in countries where mulberries have been eaten for hundreds of years. I totally am on board with these benefits and wanted to share them with you.

Cancer Prevention: Mulberries are a good source of resveratrol, a potent phytonutrient also found in grapes that researchers believe can prevent cancer and aid in the fight of existing cancers.

Life Extension: Because of their resveratrol content, mulberries may be a tool in one's life extension arsenal, as resveratrol has shown in several studies to extend the life of mice.

Blood Tonic: In Chinese medicine, mulberries are considered a blood tonic, meaning that they cleanse the blood and increase its production, strengthening the entire system.

Kidney Strengthener: In Chinese medicine, mulberries are believed to strengthen the kidneys.

Liver Cleanser: In Chinese medicine, mulberries are believed to be effective in cleansing the liver.

Better Hearing and Vision: In China, tea made with mulberry paste is believed to strengthen one's hearing and vision.

Constipation Cure: In Turkey, a treatment for constipation is to eat white mulberries on an empty stomach with a glass of water.

Anemia Treatment: Because they are quite high in iron, mulberries are a great food to use in the treatment of anemia.

Cold and Flu Treatment: In Turkey, mulberry molasses is used as a treatment for colds and flu. Their effectiveness in this way may be due to their high vitamin C content.

Premature Gray Hair Remedy: In several countries, mulberries are considered an effective remedy for prematurely gray hair.
Laura Fenamore, CPCC, is a gifted Body Esteem and Life Coach.
Laura's company OnePinky is devoted to helping others find balance in their lives as well as celebrating their bodies and their health. Her vision is living in a world where health and body image are celebrated. Please visit to receive a free gift today.

5 Secrets to Portion Control

by Becky Fox

You may be exercising, watching what you eat, doing all the right things and yet for some reason the pounds just don't seem to be coming off. The culprit may not be what you are eating, but about how much you are eating. If your portions are too big, then you are taking in too many calories, which can lead to weight gain rather than the desired weight loss. So here are 5 ways to decrease those super-sized portions.

1. Know what a serving size is. Here is a quick guide to determine the true size of a serving. Keep this in mind next time you reach in the fridge or cupboard.

A Tennis Ball = A medium sized fruit
A Baseball = A cup of salad greens or cereal
A Golf Ball = A 1/2 cup of cooked pasta or potato
A Ping Pong Ball = 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
A Deck of Cards = 3 oz of meat, fish, or poultry
A Shot Glass = 2 tablespoons of salad dressing
Size of your thumb = 1 oz of cheese
Size of your thumb tip = 1 teaspoon of oil

2. Read nutrition labels. Not sure how many of those goldfish crackers really equal one serving? Read the nutrition label to find out. Compare it to how much you've been eating and you may be surprised to find out how small a serving really is.

3. Only eat half. When you go out to a restaurant only eat half of your meal. Most restaurants bring out supersized portions enough for 2 or even 3 meals. To avoid overeating, have the waiter bring half of your dinner in a to go box before you even get started or you could even split the meal with another person.

4. Avoid all-you-can eat. Avoid buffets or all-you-can eat situations like the plague. As much you think you will have total self control and that you will only eat until you are no longer hungry, it is near impossible. We all know this is not the case and that you will be leaving bloated with your pants unbuttoned. Rather choice restaurants where you can order your meal and have a plan in place for social events.

5. Don't let yourself get hungry. One reason we may tend to eat a lot in one sitting is because we are so hungry. If you are going long periods without eating you are bound to binge. Instead, make sure you are eating something every 3-4 hours, even if it is a small snack. This way when your next meal comes around you won't be tempted to eat more than you need.
Becky Fox is the owner of Fox Fitness, an in-home personal training and boot camp company in Knoxville, TN. Fox Fitness also offers online training to those around the globe. You can learn more about her at

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