Showing posts with label Nutrition Facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nutrition Facts. Show all posts

Keep Your Lungs Healthy with Beta Carotene Boost

Beta carotene is one of many brightly colored compounds called carotenoids that make foods yellow and orange in color. Eating foods rich in beta carotene can help prevent oxidative damage that contributes to lung problems like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD.  Research studies conclude that people with the most beta carotene in their blood preserved more of their lung function over eight years. What’s more awesome, these people do not have to worry about immediate lung decline.

Image by RitaE from Pixabay 

To boost your beta carotene intake, consider adding these foods into your diet: spinach, kale, collards, pumpkin, butternut squash, sweet potato, apricot, mango, orange, carrot, tomato, cantaloupe, red pepper, papaya, watermelon.

To easily incorporate these super sources of beta carotene into your meals, try adding them into your favorite dishes. Grating raw carrots, for example, helps release beta carotene for easier absorption. You can prep the healthiest salad piled high with carrots, leafy greens, and other high-carotenoid foods. Use canola oil, balsamic vinegar, or olive oil to add fat to your beta carotene boosting meals.

Get more super salad recipes HERE.

Boosting your beta carotene isn’t as hard as you think. You won’t even have to bother eating foods you dislike as many of your favorites are already packed with it.

© Connie Luayon

Foods That Encourage Hair Health

by Lauren S. Johnson

Every woman wants a healthy head of hair. She wants her hair to be shiny, glossy, bouncy and the envy of every other female. However, it seems that no matter what we do, our hair remains brittle, dry, and out of place. We try the most expensive hair treatments and use the most scientifically proven shampoos, yet our hair still remains the same. Why is that? Well, healthy hair starts with healthy nutrition. If you are not feeding your body valuable nutrition, a hundred dollar shampoo will not make a difference. In this article I will list some of the most hair healthy foods.

1. Salmon. This particular fish is laden with omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B-12 and iron. The omega 3's found in salmon support scalp health.

2. Dark green vegetables. These yummy veggies are laden with vitamin A and vitamin C which helps your body produce sebum (also knows as a natural hair conditioner).

3. Beans. Yes, believe it or not, beans are good for your hair. They are rich in protein, iron, zinc and biotin. The protein which is present in beans promotes hair growth.

4. Nuts. Brazil nuts are some are the best for promoting a healthy scalp because they are rich source of selenium.

5. Eggs. Although it is not recommended to consume too many eggs, every now and then an egg is ok. This affordable breakfast treat is laden with protein, biotin and vitamin B-12.

6. Whole grains. Whole grains are a rich source of zinc, iron and B vitamins.

These are just a few of the hair healthy foods. Consuming a healthy diet can also help you lose weight. People who have a difficult time managing their appetite are encouraged to try various herbal remedies, such as appetite surpassing hoodia.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition. Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies and diet pills.

Vitamin C - Keep the Sunshine Vitamin in Your Life

by Anna Ruth

In terms of awareness, Vitamin C is one of the most popular vitamins around. Many people take Vitamin C supplements or drink juices rich in the vitamin. But what exactly does Vitamin C do? Well, the vitamin, which is also called ascorbic acid, can help repair and prevent damage to cells, heal wounds, boost the immune system, and help make your teeth and gums healthier. It also helps the body absorb iron. It is also possible that in its role as a natural antioxidant, Vitamin C can help slow down the aging process by scavenging free radicals, preventing a build up of cell damaging toxins that accelerate aging. It's not the only the antioxidant vitamin and unlike an antioxidant like l-glutathione it isn't manufactured within our bodies.

When it comes to vitamins, there are two types: those that dissolve in water and those that dissolve in fat. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that travels through the body's bloodstream. Whatever Vitamin C the body does not need to absorb is simply removed via urine. This means two things: first, we must always supply our bodies with Vitamin C since the body doesn't store it, and second, it's very hard to actually overdose on Vitamin C because the body doesn't absorb more than it needs.

Recommended: Liposomal Vitamin C 1200mg - High Absorption, Fat Soluble VIT C, Powerful Antioxidant & Immune System Support

How much Vitamin C do we need each day? It is recommended that we get 60 milligrams of the vitamin, although that can change depending on several factors. Those who smoke may need between 110 and 125 milligrams of Vitamin C because smoking can cause the body to have trouble absorbing vitamins.

It is possible to end up with too little Vitamin C in your body. This was quite common years ago during long sea voyages. This lack of Vitamin C results in scurvy. If you manage to intake over 2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C in a day, you may feel flushed and suffer from diarrhea, nausea, increased urination, and vomiting.

Where can we get Vitamin C from? In addition to supplements, the vitamin is found naturally in fruit, citrus juices, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, red and green peppers, and potato skins. As is often the case, good nutrition is all you really need to keep your body in shape by providing the vitamins and minerals we need for good health.

Anna Ruth is a self confessed health nut and recently became involved at Whole Earth Health dot com with MAX GXL. For people who are always tired this product has been shown to help some restore their energy levels and "get their lives back. Because glutathione supplements are of questionable value, MAXGXL takes a different approach, instead helping the body to manufacture its own glutathione.

This information is not designed to diagnose or treat a disease or ailment. If you have a medical condition or question always seek the advice of a qualified physician.

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